Aquascaping Spain Contest

domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2013

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

Mini Cangrejario

 Este mini fue realizado por casualidad, fui a recolectar musgo de una acequia cercana a mi pueblo, el cual introduje dentro de un acuario donde mantengo algunos troncos para su curacion y con poca luz. Una semana despues, cuando me dispuse a usarlo me encontre una cria de Cangrejo Rojo Americano, primero la confundi con una gamba de agua dulce y gracias a Diego Sandoval logre averiguar y sabiendo lo voraz que es esta especie lo saque de donde lo meti.

Varios dias antes habia visto en un Blog que sigo habitualmente la elaboracion de un cangrejario especifico paso a paso y me dispuse a simular este dentro de un pequeño transportin que disponia en casa.

He decir que esta pequeña cria pasará al acuario grande inicial para que crezca con normalidad, a continuacion os dejo una fotos:


lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

APSA Aquascaping Competition 2014

Concurso de Aquascaping solo para residentes en Sudafrica

APSA 2014 Aquascaping Competition Rules and Guidelines

- Entry is free
- Entries end on the 1st March 2014
- One planted tank entry per person
- APSA sponsors, admins as well as their immediate family cannot enter. 
- Rules can be altered by APSA at any stage
- There is no tank size restriction to your entry
- Tank entries have to contain real live aquatic plants
- No freshly planted tanks allowed (tanks that are more mature will do better anyways)
- Contestants and competing tanks must reside/be in South Africa
- Please do not use non aquatic plants as this will result in point deductions
- Contestants have to be an active member of APSA with at least one post (introduction post)

The scape:
- Freshwater planted aquariums only! (terrariums, marine aquarium etc. cannot enter)
- If your entry pic includes an emersed section of your tank, only the submerged part of the tank will be graded

Final entry picture:
- Has to be a recent photo of the tank (no older than 3 months)
- Should be sent in FULL resolution. Lower resolution/bad pictures will only count against you. Judges can only judge the entry pic they are given (max size 9 megs).
- Is not allowed to be published or shown to the public prior to the winners announcement, (other tank shots /full tank shots, setup shots etc. are allowed to be published before the end of the competition but the ENTRY picture cannot be shown / published online or on any other type of national / international media .) What this means is that you are allowed to have a photo journal of your tank, show pictures of your tank, publish pictures of your tank. Share whatever you want with your tank. BUT you are not allowed to publish/show/distribute (publicly) the FINAL picture that you will be entering. 
- Has to be in electronic format
- Cannot be altered by any image editing software (adding fish or fauna etc). Superficial editing is allowed ie. cropping photos, light and colour tunes
- No boarders, frames or insignia please. Pictures with these WILL be disqualified

- 1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorary prizes available! Prize list will be uploaded once we have confirmed with sponsors
- 1st place will win the APSA aquascaping floating trophy
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorary prize ribbons will be sent to the respective winners!!

Extra information:
- There will be international guest judges (to be confirmed)
- Judges comments and total points for all entries will be indicated at the end of the competition

Entry procedure:
- One entry picture per entry
- Email entry (this may change) 

Judging criteria:
Total Impressions (60 Points)
- Originality, creativity and overall completeness of the layout will be evaluated.
- Is the composition of the layout well developed and pleasing to the eye?
- Has the aquascaper used appropriate species of aquatic plants? 
- Has the aquascaper positioned their plants in a way that looks natural?
- Is there “balance” in the scape? i.e. The colors and shapes of aquatic plants, “balance” and must “complement” the scape.
- The aquascaper’s choice of fish for his/her layout is evaluated. i.e. Does the color, size, swimming method and ecology of the fish match the layout?
- Does the layout clearly portray a natural atmosphere? 
- Do the methods and techniques used, render a natural feel in the layout?
- Is the layout maintainable over a long period of time?
- The use of non-aquatic plants will result in point-deductions.

Plant Condition (20 Extra Points)
- The condition of the aquatic plants in the layout will be evaluated. Extra points may be awarded for excellent plant health

Artistic Creativity (20 Extra Points)
- Extra points can be rewarded according outstanding originality and creativity of the aquascape.

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

El Burren

 Panorámica Frontal

Este mini es el resultado de una de las pruebas que realizo en estos recipientes, es un entrenamiento para elegir y colocar los materiales correctos segun su tamaño. Los materiales usados son todos recolectados.
Si se puede considerar un paisaje este mini trata de reproducir una zona con grandes rocas rodeado de vegetacion, creo que es muy mejorable y las fotos no son del todo buenas.

 Con la Herramienta mas usada

 Vista Lateral Derecha

 Vista Lateral Izquierda

 Vista Superior

Detalle Zoom


Datos del Mini
Recipiente: caja de bombones ferrero
Medidas : 14 cm largo, 7,5 cm ancho y 5,5 cm alto
Capacidad : 0,39 litros netos
Sustrato: Arena de Rio
Rocas/Madera: Rocas de la Zona
Plantas: Musgo Autoctono
Fauna : Ninguna

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Resultados Concurso Brasileiro de AquaPaisajismo CBAP 2013

Este fin de semana se ha publicado los Resultados del CBAP 2013 en todas sus categorias tanto de Plantados como Nano-Plantados, destacando la victoria de la Categoria de Extranjeros del Español Juan Puchades con su acuario Vall d'Aran que tantas satisfacciones le esta dando.

A continuacion os dejo con los TOP 10 en las Categorias de Plantados, Nano-Plantados y Mejor Extranjero.

Categoria Plantados

 Campeón Categoria Plantados


São Paulo Luis Carlos Galarraga 023
São Paulo Roberto Luiz Longarço 115 9,062
São Paulo Leandro Artioli 107 8,907
São Paulo André Luiz Longarço 029 8,774
São Paulo Pablo Góes 079 8,734
São Paulo Paulo Vitor Pacheco 065 8,696
Paraná Jean Ricardo Olinik 132
São Paulo Marcelo Tonon Chiovatto 007
São Paulo Arthur Almeida 073
Paraná Gary José Chagas 139

Ver Clasificaciones Completas Categoria Plantados


Categoria Nano-Plantados

  Campeón Categoria Nano-Plantados


São Paulo Leandro Artioli 110
São Paulo Paulo Vitor Pacheco 064
Paraná Fabian Kussakawa 118
São Paulo Adriano Montoro Nicácio 018
Rio de Janeiro Leandro Campos 122
Alagoas Igor Maciel Braga Costa 068
São Paulo Conrado Galante 095
São Paulo Carlos Eduardo Pires Gonçalves 012
Rio de Janeiro Flávio Henard Jorge de Freitas 013
São Paulo Alexandre Seiti Kaziami 092

Ver Clasificaciones Completas Categoria Nano-Plantados


Categoria Mejor Acuario Extranjero


 Campeón Categoria Extranjeros


Espanha Juan Puchades Rufino E012

Ver Clasificaciones Completas Categoria Extranjeros

Aqui todos los participantes en las Categorias de Plantados, Nano-Plantados y Extranjeros.

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

España en AGA 2013

A continuacion os muestro la participacion Española en este concurso Internacional de Aquascaping AGA 2013. Destacar que Juan Puchades ha obtenido un TOP TEN con su trabajo Vall d'Aran en la Categoria de Acuarios Plantados 120L-200L.

Aquatic Garden:

< 28L

No hay participación Española en esta categoria

No hay participación Española en esta categoria

No hay participación Española en esta categoria

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Aquascaping & Nature Aquarium